
Flood & Storm Damage Insurance Claim Checklist

Is your Business Prepared for a Natural Disaster

In the wake of the devastating 2025 NQ Floods, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the damage to your home or business and need to lodge a claim!

At Northern Insurance Solutions (NIS), we understand the challenges you face during this difficult time, and our dedicated local claims team is here to guide you through every step of the insurance claim process.

To help simplify and expedite your claim, we’ve created this Flood & Storm Insurance Claim Checklist.

This comprehensive guide is designed to ensure you gather all the necessary documentation and details required for a smooth and efficient claim submission.

Flood & Storm Insurance Claim Checklist

Ensure Safety First

  • Evacuate if Necessary: Prioritise personal safety and the safety of anyone on-site.
  • Assess Hazards: Check for any electrical, structural, or chemical dangers.
  • Turn Off Utilities: Shut off the electricity, gas, and water to prevent further damage.

Document the Damage Thoroughly

  • Photographs & Videos: Where possible capture photos and/or videos of affected area, equipment, buildings, items and food.
  • Detailed Inventory: Create a list of damaged items including descriptions and estimated values. The more detailed the better.
  • Carpets: If damage caused to carpet from flood or rain take photos and try to keep a small sample. For health reasons it is understood that you will need to dispose of the carpet as soon as possible
  • Record Water Levels: Note the depth of floodwater in different parts of the property. Often there will be a line mark on the walls.

Notify Northen Insurance Solutions

  • Immediate Notification: Call us at NIS as soon as it’s safe to do so on 07 47831310.
  • Vulnerable clients: Please notify us of any personal circumstances that your feel we need to be made aware of. Insurer’s may provide additional assistance to those experiencing vulnerability.
  • Post Notification: Advise NIS of appointments made by assessors, builders or other service providers prior to their attending your property and keep a record of their names, contact details (especially phone numbers) and company that they represent.

Secure Your Property to Prevent Further Damage

  • Temporary Repairs:  If possible and only when safe to do so, apply tarps, boards, or other materials to cover broken windows, doors, or roofs. The SES may be able to assist with this task. SES Storm & Flood Assistance 132500.
  • Removal of Damaged Items: It is advisable to seek information from your local council as they may arrange for bulk collection of damaged contents and carpet.

Maintain Records

  • Expense Tracker:  Keep records of any emergency repairs that you have arranged (eg receipts,invoices).
  • Digital & Hard Copies:  Retain copies of any photos, document and lists of damage that you provide to us, the insurance company and/or the insurance companies assessors, builders etc. Other additional information may be requested during assessment of your claim.

Locals Covering Locals

At Northern Insurance Solutions, we know insurance and are dedicated to ensuring North Queensland’ers have access to quality, cost-effective insurance policies.

Our locally-based, professional team is committed to providing personalised service and fighting for the rights of our clients and our insurance solutions are backed by globally recognised products from Steadfast.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our team on info@northerninsurance.com.au or call 07 47831310.

You can also reach the SES Storm & Flood Assistance on 132500


Northern Insurance Solutions
Locals Covering Locals


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