
Why it’s SO Important to have Insurance in North Queensland

Why Having Insurance in North Queensland is SO Important-Northern Insurance Solutions

Answering the most common question we get asked by North Queenslanders; why do we need to have Insurance?

We have a lot of Queenslanders contacting us at Northern Insurance Solutions asking why should they have insurance, and do they really need it?

Insurance is REALLY important, and a way for you to transfer the risk of loss or damage of your hard-earned assets in exchange for an insurance premium.

Now aside from the usual risks that you would expect to be covered by insurance, living in North Queensland we experience extra threats from Mother Nature herself.

In the last 10 years, we have soldiered through Cyclone Yasi, Cyclone Debbie, the Townsville Floods, a few bouts of excessive rain, oh and let’s not forget to throw in a couple of small but unexpected earthquakes.

When it comes to safeguarding our assets with insurance, the weather is what most of us think of. However, is NOT the only reason to have insurance.

Some of the other major covers that could protect you financially include fire, storm, theft, vandalism, accidental damage, and legal liability.

Why are insurance premiums so confusing?

For example, a standard household can have insurance for home, motor, health, life and business or liability.  Having policies scattered across different insurance providers can become costly (This is where Northern Insurance Solutions can help).

However, it’s worth noting that the overall cost can still be much less than having to replace assets when an issue occurs, and you didn’t have an ‘insurance safety net’ in place.

When a major disaster hits (it’s not if, but when), you will want an insurance policy that has adequate coverage for your claim.

Reviewing your insurance policy and its cover should be done with a broker to ensure you have the right cover in place. Brokers like Northern Insurance Solutions take the time to understand what cover you need and make recommendations on what is the best available option for you.

When you use an insurance broker for your insurance, you’ll feel more comfortable that your assets are protected, and your policy is being managed by trusted insurance professionals.

Trusted and experienced Insurance Brokers are essential when dealing with insurance claims like a major weather event.

Brokers like Northern Insurance Solutions stop you having to;

  • Not having to call your insurer and be sitting on hold for hours
  • Having the call drop-out and having to call back and start all over
  • Explaining your circumstances multiple times to different people
  • Trying to understand your policy and what you are or are not covered for
With Northern Insurance Solutions, we have a dedicated Claims Officer who is passionate about getting your claims paid – FAST!

In a major event, such as the Townsville Floods, it’s all hands on deck ready to service our customer’s claims.  Our trained, local team will assist you with your claim as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Using Northern Insurance Solutions, we have rapid access to assessors, tradesmen, and suppliers that we’ve built relationships with to help get your repairs done as quickly as possible.

Review your Existing Insurance Policy

Is your policy due for renewal?

Make sure that you speak with our team to review your policy and ensure that it meets your needs and is the best value for money.

Pop into our office in Ayr for a FREE Insurance Policy Review BEFORE we head into the next cyclone season!

NIS Insurance Policy Review Learn More >>>

Contact us on (07) 4783-1310

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